Occasionally, you may encounter an error message informing you that your account is being used on another device. This doesn't happen too often, but when it does, it could be due to:
- Your account’s music already playing on another device that belongs to you
- Your account’s music already playing on another device that someone else is using
This article will guide you in identifying the error and how to resolve it.
Note: Deezer Family users should check that all family members are using the correct profile to listen to music. If two people are listening to music on the same profile, it will result in an error message informing you that your account is being listened to on another device
How to view your connected devices
If you see an error message indicating that music is being played on another device, it means Deezer is being used on more than one device or web page at the same time.
Please check that you've updated your devices with these steps:
- Go to Settings
- Select Devices
- Go to Settings
- Select Devices
- Go to your profile
- Select Account Settings
- Select the My connected devices tab
What to do if you don't recognize a device
If you've visited your devices page and spotted a device that you don't recognize, it's possible you may have left your account logged in on somebody else's device. See our article on how to protect your Deezer account.
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Want more insight to the topics explored in this article? Find out more at How to keep your Deezer account SAFE and SOUND